Mobile App Support

App Contact Details:

 For all app support related enquiries please text 0402 983 195  or email us at

 More than just a twinkle, we want Shine Bright like a Diamond!

We are always on the lookout for amazing cleaning techs to join our team. And when we say amazing, we don’t mean a little twinkle, we mean “shine bright like a diamond” sparkle If you’re passionate about cleaning, want a career and not just a job, and are keen to learn, IWDO Group is the agency for you!

With IWDO Group, you’ll be making your wishes come true!

House cleaning job

Data Safety:

To request account deactivation or data deletion

  1. Send an email from the same address registered with your job portal account to
  2. Use “Account Deactivation Request” or “Data Deletion Request” as the subject.
  3. In the body, clearly state whether you’re requesting account deactivation or data deletion for your job portal account.

We’ll process your request within 7 days.

Deactivation vs Deletion:

Deactivation allows you to return and reactivate your account. Data Deletion, on the other hand, permanently removes all your job portal data and is irreversible.

Data Deletion Details:

When you request data deletion, the following types of data will be removed:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • User ID
  • Phone number
  • Password
  • Saved address

For queries, contact

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